Confused about the many design options available for your website? You’re not alone. With so many technical elements to take into account, it’s hard to keep track of what consumers expect and need.
Responsive web design has become one of the most vital aspects of web design, but have you heard about upwardly responsive websites? In this blog, we’ll cover the basics and show you why you shouldn’t neglect this new trend.
What is upwardly responsive web design?
Simply speaking, digital content it viewed on a range of devices of varying shapes and sizes. When building websites, designers must take into account how the content will look on these devices. Big screens, small screens and BIGGER screens all need to be taken into account. Upwardly responsive web design takes into account these larger screens, adapting content to fill the screen neatly and ensure an enhanced browsing experience. With an upwardly responsive website you’ll know that the world is viewing your website clearly – no matter the resolution.
Doesn’t everybody use a mobile device?
It is true that the majority of media consumption now takes place on mobile devices, but that doesn’t mean that desktops have had their day. A study by Econsultancy proved that big screens still have their place, with 65% of users browsing with screen resolutions larger than 1,280px wide. 33%+ of traffic came from users with screens measuring in at more than 1,680px wide, while over 20% had over 1,920px of screen at their disposal.
Is it worth the effort?
Big screens offer big opportunities for web developers. More screen space means more to play with in terms of design and features. Whether it’s graphics, multimedia or Flash, bigger screens can support the browsing experiences mobile devices and tablets tend to struggle with. Capitalise on the extra space and ensure your products and services are showcased in the best possible way on all screen sizes.
Want to see how it’s done? Here are some sites worth checking out:
– Nitty Gritty – Makes the most of extra space by increasing both the size and number of product images. So much more to see – so much more to buy.
– Burberry – Open up the Burberry site and you’ll quickly realise the benefits of the extra space when it comes to showcasing photography and luxury products. Their site radiates quality and indulgence – brand ideals they are keen to promote.
– Firebox – Simply a joy to browse, Firebox’s site utilises the extra space by increasing the number and size of product images. Splitting content between several columns gives a vibrant, bold, and energetic feel to the pages which fits in perfectly with their brand ethos.
Do my users need it?
Take a good look at your Google Analytics data and pinpoint what screen sizes browsers are using to view your content. You can then ensure that big screens of all shapes and sizes are being capitalised on by adding in larger break points.
Now that you have a better idea of what upwardly responsive web design is, you’ll know that there are many ways of maximising the benefits of big screens to suit your business. What are you waiting for? Enhance the browsing experience of your site today.
Go big with Fluid Digital
Whether you are thinking about investing in an upwardly responsive website, have queries about your existing website or need help with your digital marketing, Fluid Digital can help.
Our professional, tailored web design service ensures a beautifully designed, functional website which fits your business perfectly. For more information, take a look at our web design services or get in touch today on 0161-762-4920
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